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Главная » 2009 » Март » 20 » System Optimizer 6.6
System Optimizer 6.6
О программе: System Optimizer - пакет для настройки и оптимизации операционной системы - позволяет изменять скрытые параметы ОС, очищать жесткий диск от "приватной" информации, проводить резервное копирование системных файлов, а также исправлять ошибки в системном реестре и выполнять его дефрагментацию - всего порядка тридцати утилит. 

Advanced System Optimizer is a system tweaking suite that includes more than 30 tools to improve and tweak your PC`s performance, to keep your system running smoothly, speedily, and error free. It offers an attractive and easy to use interface that organizes all tasks into categories and provides graphical statistics whenever possible. The tools include junk file cleaner, memory optimizer, system information, system files backup, file encryption, safe uninstaller, duplicate file finder, windows transparency manager and much more. Advanced System Optimizer also includes a small SMTP server for direct mail sending, an Internet tracks eraser with cookie manager and secure deletion, and even a desktop sticky notes application. Overall, a great bundle that offers a wide range of system tools, as well as some extras that are not commonly found.

Fast, effective Windows Optimization
Quick analysis of your PC’s hardware, operating system, and programs
Easy optimization in just a few clicks
Easy-to-understand help functions
Safe Windows Optimization
Ideal for XP and Vista and windows7 users
Recommends tools for optimal PC performance
Identifies and repairs structural defects present in your registry
Allows access to more than 150 secret configuration and performance tweaks
Desktop Locker, lock computer to prevent people from accessing your private documents and resources 
Allows access to more than 150 secret configuration and performance tweaks.
Process Manager new more detailed performance
Direct access to a wealth of Windows configuration and performance settings many of them difficult or impossible to find in other places. 

О файле:
Активация|рег код: serial
Язык Интерфейса: eng
Формат файла: rar
Платформа: Windows
Год выпуска: 2009
Размер файла: 7.1 Mb

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