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2009 » Апрель » 5 » Portable Virtual Cover Creator v.2.1
18:24 Portable Virtual Cover Creator v.2.1 |
Информация о программе: Название: Portable Virtual Cover Creator Версия: v.2.1 Год выхода: 2009 Платформа: Windows XP/2003/Vista Язык интерфейса: английский Размер: 7.81 MB Лекарство: не требуется
Virtual Cover Creator -
графический редактор для создания и красочного оформления "коробочных"
версий программ профессионального качества, а так же создания обложек
для компакт-дисков, оформления электронных книг и журналов, и т.д.
Программа работает как с 2D, так и с 3D графикой, имеет в своем
арсенале множество эффектов и готовых шаблонов.
key features: - Improved performance - Improved image quality - Totally new and unique templates! - Improved shadow effect, allowing users to specify shadow strength and smoothness - Improved CD cover model, allowing users to create detailed CD Cover images -
Improved model and camera rotation/movement. Now users can rotate a
model along its X, Y and Z axis relative to the floor besides the
standard global X, Y and Z axis rotation. - Improved resize function works by resizing an image without chopping off the sides - Added ability to treat each image and text pasted onto a face as separate layers - Added ability to create covers for 'books-in-a-box' - Added action buttons. This buttons work with 'Books-in-a-box' and 'CD Cover' models - Added model reflection on the floor and ability to specify reflection strength - Added ability to specify floor's texture - Added ability to create text stroke and specify stroke color, width and transparency - Added ability to set text fill color transparency - Added ability to specify font orientation - Added ability to add font shadow and specify shadow distance, strength and direction - Added ability to specify text shape including Arch Upper, Arch Lower, Flag and manual text shape - Change Text Preview background color manually - Added horizontal and vertical scrollbar on the Text Preview Window - Improved thumbnail browsing with horizontal scrollbar -
Fully WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) compliant, allowing users
to get the exact cover size as their see it during the design phase - Great JPG image quality - Added error handler when user inputs invalid resize values - Improved help documentation
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Категория: Portable Софт |
Просмотров: 339 |
Добавил: pisets-norka
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